Rate Appeal Board

Appeals against 2024 rateable values have been heard by the Rate Appeal Board. Fifteen appeal forms were received in 2024 (relating to 14 properties), the Board maintained the assessments of nine properties and amended the assessments of five properties. The Board’s report is available here.

Members of the Rate Appeal Board are appointed by the States Assembly. The terms of office of the current members expires in March 2025 and the Minister for Treasury and Resources will be advertising shortly for new members. Would you enjoy giving back to the Parish Communities as a Rate Appeal Board Member? The role holder will hear appeals from individuals and businesses who want to appeal the decision made in respect of a Rate Assessment.  The role responsibilities will include roughly 3-4 meetings a year, usually in the summer months, that are arranged around the availability of the members to hear appeals. The minimum requirement for the post is that the applicant is a Jersey resident, no experience is necessary.